Are you not meant to do a traditional corporate job?? Are you looking for something different to do in life? Are you missing the thrill and looking for something interesting & exciting in your career?
Old jobs pave a road to new future jobs. The rise of machines and automation have taken over the world. Having said that, the job world will not get completely captivated with the machines. Machines can still not visualize, interact, and understand emotions the way humans can. These emotions are the basis of many jobs today and thus are careers that will always be in demand. Here is a list of top 8 careers we believe will be in demand in our coming future
1. Actuarial Science: Ever thought who decides what would be the insurance premium that you would pay on the insurance you just purchased. That’s what Actuaries do. They are the ones who study Math and Science of insurance to access risk, worth, and liabilities, etc. Financial institutions like banks and insurance companies need their expertise to design their investment instruments.
2. Cyber Security: With increased reliance on computer systems, the Internet, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and due to the growth of "smart" devices, including smartphones, televisions, and the various devices that constitute the "Internet of things”, the need for Cyber security has become imperative in this world.
3. Dieticians: With the hectic work schedules, people are not able to find the time to exercise and maintain a healthy balance between life and work. Dieticians are required by all age groups and people are looking out for the one who can understand their requirements personally.
4. Digital marketing specialist: Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital technologies to promote products and services. With the spread of internet, digital marketing will be one of the fastest growing careers, especially for the creative and artistic ones among us.
5. Environmental Manager: With the increasing pollution & global warming on our planet, Governments & organizations across the world are looking for developing, implementing and monitoring environmental strategies that promote sustainable development.
6. Interior designer: With both the partners working, people need professionals to work around & design their home interiors. Homes are getting compact and necessities are rising every day, Interior designers understand the individual needs and craft a viable solution which is time and cost-effectively with durability and comfort in mind.
7. Physiotherapists: Have you observed that our day to day physical activities are much lower as compared to the previous generation? Lifestyle changes have brought a lot of pain and stress for mankind. Some injuries like back pain, stiff neck, frozen shoulder have become very common. Physiotherapists treat such injuries and disorders using physical methods like exercises, massages, and hot fermentation.
8. Event Manager: This is one of the quickest growing careers of recent times. Whether it’s a birthday, marriage, anniversary, or a corporate event, everyone wants to make it grand and memorable. Event Managers use their expertise in creativity, management, communication, negotiation, and budgeting to craft meaningful solutions for their clients.
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Gauri Jain
Pro Career Counseling